The Doom of Balar

The Doom of Balar

Darkness returns...

A killer stalks the streets of Balar. Will Inspector Skender track him down?

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About the Book

Inspector Tomas Skender of the Balar Constabulary is hunting for the Tailor, a deranged serial murderer that stalks the cobbled streets. The killer’s latest display – a macabre creation of parts of victims sewn together – gives Skender new leads. Clues that will surely reveal the identity of this monster.

Welcome back to the cursed town of Balar where monsters lurk, and everyone harbours a dark secret. Not all is as it seems.

Thirteen interconnected short stories await the bravest readers.

No AI was used in the creation of this book. Some stories contain themes and scenes of an adult nature.
Author: Marcel M du Plessis
Series: Balar, Book 2
Genres: Anthology, Horror
Tags: Horror, Recommended Books
Publication Year: 2024
Format: eBook, Paperback, Hardcover
Length: 411
ISBN: 9798326996640
List Price: $12.50
eBook Price: $4.60
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Marcel M du Plessis

Marcel du Plessis has stories in his veins. He has been writing since math class 2006 and has been bad at counting ever since. Characters, plots, metaphors, and secrets are the things he is best at. He has written about language, poetry, prose and more. Taught English to non-English speakers. Did a thing on Social Media Marketing. Best of all, he writes stories.

The Silent Symphony took up more than six years of his life. It has been written, re-written, and changed several times. It incorporates Marcel’s love for secrets, complex characters, political machinations, and Greek Mythology.

Marcel likes to make you laugh almost as much as he likes to make you cry. He sincerely hopes that this story made you feel something. If one did, he would like to know. Mention him on Twitter (@CalliopeWriter) or ask him a question on Goodreads.

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